Mitigated Negative Declarations
If the Lead Agency finds that the project has the potential to have an impact on the environment, but certain “mitigation measures” will be required as part of the project to ensure that no significant impacts will occur, the Lead Agency will prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). These mitigation measures can be changes in the project design or operation and must be agreed to by the applicant. An MND further requires that a mitigation monitoring and reporting program be adopted to ensure that applicants follow through on the mitigation measures required by the Lead Agency.
E-mail Notification Service for Mitigated Negative Declaration
SPECIAL NOTICE: The Planning Division offers an E-mail Public Hearing Notification Service that allows interested stakeholders, applicants, and citizens to receive e-mail notification when a new Mitigated Negative Declaration is posted. You may subscribe to this service by completing the form below.