Advisory Council
An Advisory Council was created by thoughtful consideration of diverse interested community members in Ventura County, which were invited to comprise the Advisory Council of approximately 40 people: County of Ventura staff, House Farm Workers!, all ten incorporated Cities in Ventura County, and other stakeholders including County departments of transportation, health, agriculture, and housing; nonprofit organizations; financial institutions; healthcare groups; small and large agricultural employers and business associations; housing advocacy groups; affordable housing developers; educational institutions; and farm workers.
The Advisory Council first met in November 2021, provided input on the survey design and implementation (Phases 2 and 3), and will continue to provide input on the preparation of the Farmworker Housing Study and Action Plan(Phases 4 and 5). The meetings are coordinated by key members from the County of Ventura’s Planning Division and House Farm Workers! which comprise the Coordination Committee for the project.
The role of the Advisory Council includes the following tasks:
- Provide input for the Survey Consultant Request for Proposals (RFP);
- Assist in selection of the Survey Consultant(s);
- Provide input on surveys designed by the Survey Consultant;
- Review proposed Survey Methodology and Communications Plan;
- Provide input for the Study Consultant RFP;
- Advise in selection of the Study Consultant(s);
- Provide input on the different components of the Study and
- Review draft Action Plan policies and programs.