VC Resilient - Get Involved
Join the VC Resilient Interested Parties Notification List
Click here to subscribe to the VC Resilient stakeholder list. You will receive email notifications regarding this project and future public hearings.
Participate in the Sea Level Rise Planning Survey
As part of the County Planning Division’s ongoing efforts to educate the community about sea level rise and involve the community in planning efforts, staff launched a Sea Level Rise Survey. This survey is available in both English and Spanish (Encuesta en Español). Please feel free to distribute this survey to friends, family, neighbors and within your organization. The survey will be available until March 2021.
VC Resilient Comments
You may submit comments about the VC Resilient Coastal Adaptation Project and how you think the County should plan for sea level rise and coastal hazards in the form below at any time. These comments will help inform Planning Division staff on community concerns about sea level rise and help to begin a discussion about sea level rise adaptation measures.
Click here to learn about the phases of VC Resilient, project timeline, and useful links.