Request Zoning and Planning Appointments
By scheduling a 15-minute Zoom or phone appointment, you will be able to speak with a Planner regarding general zoning and planning questions. If you already have a designated case planner assigned to your project, please contact this individual directly.
Planning and Zoning Frequently Asked Questions:
In preparation for your appointment, we invite you to look at the following links, which provide information on commonly asked zoning and planning questions. The answers to your questions may be found in this information.
Information of Accessory Dwelling Units, SB 9 (allows for additional dwelling units on residential zoned lots) and Farmworker dwelling units.
Information on ministerial and discretionary tree permits, tree permit applications and list of Certified Arborists.
Information and website to submit your online Zoning Clearance to the Planning Division.
Ministerial and Discretionary application forms