Inspection Requirements

Periodic inspections by County staff are required by state law to ensure proper maintenance of a property with an approved Mills Act Contract. County staff must inspect the property prior to entering into a Mills Act contract with a property owner, and conduct interior and exterior inspections every 5 years thereafter. In addition, the owner of a property with an approved Mills Act Contract is required to complete the County’s annual reporting form and pay the annual contract administration fee by February 15th of each year.

As part of the annual self-reporting, the property owner is asked to submit the following to County staff:

  1. Copies of invoices and receipts for all work completed (materials, labor, etc.); and,
  2. A list of any additional work completed on the property since initiation of the contract, that may not have been included on the Rehabilitation Plan;
  3. An updated Rehabilitation Plan indicating items completed with dates to indicate if completion is ahead or behind schedule;
  4. Photographic documentation of any completed or in-progress work (before and after photographs to include exterior sides of the structure, primary areas of the property, and interior character-defining features, as well as overall and detail views of relevant areas where work may be proposed);
  5. The annual contract administration fee established pursuant to the Planning Division Fee Schedule.

In addition to annual self-reporting, under the state legislation enabling Mills Act Contracts, the County is required to conduct an in-person inspection once every five years to ensure that the property is being properly maintained (or restored) in accordance with the Mills Act program. These more thorough periodic inspections of the interior and exterior are conducted by Planning Division staff.  The Mills Act Contract inspection fee for this site visit is established pursuant to the Planning Division Fee Schedule and is required to be paid prior to scheduling an inspection.

Please note that home improvement or remodeling projects that affect a historic property (exterior or interior) are subject to Cultural Heritage Board or Cultural Heritage Board staff review and approval prior to work commencing. Work must meet all Building Code and Zoning Ordinance requirements and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Rehabilitation.


Self-certification materials may be submitted through Accela Citizen Access at Please visit the Citizen Access webpage listed above to create an account. Citizen Access allows customers to pay annual contract administration and inspection fees, check submittal status, and upload supporting documents. Click here to view a Citizen Access video guide. Before submitting, applicants must prepare the following:

  1. Complete the Mills Act Program Self-Inspection Report Annual Form with accurate information and updated contact information. A completed Mills Act Program Self-Inspection Report Annual Form is required for all online self-certifications.
  2. Gather all application materials, including receipts and photos. Application materials must be submitted with an online self-certification for processing.

Self-Certification Materials

Questions regarding the Mills Act Program can be directed to Dillan Murray, Cultural Heritage Board staff at (805) 654-5042 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..