To directly access the Saticoy Area Plan, click here!
The Board of Supervisors approved the updated Saticoy Area Plan on September 22, 2015. This was the first comprehensive revision to the Saticoy Area Plan in more than two decades.
See what has changed in the Saticoy area since adoption, at this link.
Please see the links below for the final project documents:
1. Saticoy Area Plan
2. Appendices to the Area Plan, including:
3. Final Environmental Impact Report
4. Appendices to the Final EIR:
The Planning Division held multiple public meetings during the project update (2012 – 2015).
Board of Supervisors Hearing
September 22, 2015
Project staff presented the updated Area Plan, and its related amendments to the General Plan and the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance, as well as the Environmental Impact Report to the Board of Supervisors of Ventura County, on September 22, 2015. The Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted all project documents.
To view the staff report and exhibits prepared for the hearing, please click here. To watch a recording of the hearing, please click here.
Planning Commission Hearing
July 16, 2015
Project staff presented the updated Area Plan, and its related amendments to the General Plan and the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance, as well as the Environmental Impact Report to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend that the Board of Supervisors approve the update to the Saticoy Area Plan.
To view the documents prepared for the Planning Commission Hearing, please click here. To watch a recording of the hearing, please click here.
Planning Commission Workshop
March 6, 2014
Project staff conducted a day-long workshop for the Ventura County Planning Commission, which included a walking tour of the Saticoy community, presentations by key project consultants, staff presentations on proposed land use and mobility improvements, and community comments and testimony.
The Planning Commission provided staff with a confirmation of project direction regarding proposed mobility improvements (both vehicular and multimodal), proposed land use and zoning configuration alternatives, the proposed approach for a new form-based development code and design guidelines, and the need to address existing institutional barriers, (e.g., existing County policies and ordinances) that will prevent the construction of infrastructure improvements and civic amenities, (e.g., sidewalks and parks) in the Saticoy community.
To watch a recording of the workshop, please click here.
Economic Development Meeting
August 27, 2013
A Saticoy Market Study was conducted by Metropolitan Research and Economics (MR&E). MR& E reviewed its initial research and analysis of market conditions in Saticoy at a community meeting of Saticoy business owners. The presentation provided at the meeting is available by clicking here: Discussion of Preliminary Findings from the Saticoy Market Study
The final Market Study is available by clicking here.
Community Meeting
February 7, 2013
Project consultant presented a Discussion of Land Use, Circulation, and Open Space Options
Community Meeting
August 23, 2012
Project consultant presented Initial Design Concepts
Community Meeting
August 1, 2012
Project consultant and Planning staff conducted a meeting to identify Challenges and Opportunities for the project.
Click on the image below to be directed to an interactive timeline for the Saticoy Area Plan update. Clicking on the call-out bubbles, will direct you to more information on the selected topic (images, presentations, documents, etc).
Please contact the project planners, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want more information about the Saticoy Area plan or related documents.
Portions of this project were funded in whole or in part through a grant awarded by the Strategic Growth Council.
The statements and conclusions in the documents included herein are those of the Grantee and/or Subcontractor and not necessarily those of the Strategic Growth Council or of the Department of Conservation, or its employees. The Strategic Growth Council and the Department of Conservation make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability for the information contained in the text.