Welcome to RMA

The Resource Management Agency strives to ensure that its customer service standards are consistent with the Agency’s Mission Statement:

The mission of the Resource Management Agency, in cooperation with the public and our partner agencies, is to protect the consumer and community’s health, safety, and environment by carrying out adopted laws and policies, and educating, assisting, and empowering Ventura County residents and businesses to be good stewards of the land and our resources.


In addition, RMA has identified those core values which will guide us in carrying out our mission. These values are directly related to our customer service and include:

  • Honesty, hard work, and ethical behavior

  • Transparency and accountability

  • Equitable treatment and respect of all constituents

  • Excellence in service delivery

Addressing CDC Risk Factor Number 5:
Food From Unsafe Sources

Food obtained from an unknown source or an unpermitted facility runs a higher risk of being contaminated. So ensure food has been purchased from approved sources which are inspected by the County Environmental Health Division such as a grocery store, restaurant, or a school kitchen.

No food shall be prepared or stored in a private home unless it is permitted as a Cottage Food facility.

Remember that people’s lives really are in your hands!

tfft group


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