New On May 21, 2024, the Board of Supervisors voted to suspend further work on this project and removed it from the Planning Division's 2023-2026 Workplan. There are no further hearings scheduled


On November 10, 2020, the Board of Supervisors directed the Resource Management Agency to propose Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance (NCZO) and Coastal Zoning Ordinance (CZO) amendments that would: (1) limit new discretionary Conditional Use Permits for oil and gas operations to 15 years, (2) increase current County surety and insurance amounts for oil and gas compliance and restoration, and (3) incorporate measures that promote timely permanent plugging and restoration of oil and gas wells idle for 15 years or more.

2023 Frequently Asked Questions

 Planning Commission Hearings

The Planning Commission conducted three hearings on these proposed ordinance amendments. See links below:

Link for September 21, 2023 Planning Commission Hearing [See item 6]
Link for July 28, 2022 Planning Commission Hearing [See item 7]
Link for August 18, 2022 Planning Commission Hearing [See item 7] 

2022 Public Engagement Meeting

The Ventura County Planning Division hosted a virtual webinar on November 9, 2022 to discuss proposed revisions to oil and gas regulations related to bonds and insurance and the length of permit terms.

  • Staff's PowerPoint presentation is available here.
  • A recording of the meeting in English is available here.
  • A recording of the meeting in Spanish is available here
  • Submitted public comments are available here.

 Planning Staff Contact:

Please contact staff at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.