Case Number LU10-0003
Pacific Rock, Inc.,;Applicant;
FOR REFERENCE ONLY – The below links provide access to the “2020 Draft EIR” which was circulated for public review between December 1, 2020, and January 15, 2021. Please do not submit new comments on this document. Also provided below are links to the 20 comment letters received on the 2020 Draft EIR.
Draft EIR Document
Appendix A-1 through B-2
- Appendix A-1 – Pacific Rock Quarry Mine Project
- Appendix A-2 - Comments on Pacific Rock Quarry Mine Expansion Project
- Appendix A-3 - Scoping Meeting Sign-In and Notes
- Appendix B-1 - Air Quality, Health Risk and Climate Change Impact Assessment
- Appendix B-2 - Supplemental Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
;Evaluation and Health Risk Screening
- Appendix C-1 - Initial Study Biological Assessment Report for Pacific Rock
- Appendix C-2 - June 2018 Rare Plant Survey and Burrowing Owl Habitat
Assessment Results Memorandum - Appendix D-1- Updated Geologic and Geotechnical Review Report
- Appendix D-2 - Custom Soil Report for Ventura Area, California
- Appendix E - Noise and Groundborne Vibration Impact Assessment
- Appendix F-1 - Pacific Rock Quarry Expansion Project Transportation Impact
Study - Appendix F-2 - VCAPCD Data for Pacific Rock Quarry, Extec Usage 2015-
2016 - Appendix G - Water Quality Impact Assessment, Storage and Use of Blasting
Agents - Appendix H - Response to Pacific Rock Quarry
1. CDFW- 1/22/2021
2. USFWS 1/12/2021
3. Caltrans 1/12/2021
4. CalRecycle 1/12/2021
5. City of Camarillo 1/15/2021
6. City of Thousand Oaks 1/15/21
7. Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MCRA) 2/2/2021
8. Placeholder
9. Conejo Oak Tree Advocates 1/12/2021
10a. CBD, CWF, CNPS 1/15/2021
10b. CBD References (1,679 pages)
11. Palermo Maintenance Corporation 1/14/2021
12. Randy and Kathy Denning 1/14/2021
13. Dan Fish 1/14/2021
14. James D. Crawford, Jr. 1/14/2021
15. Mark Cotone 1/14/2021
16. Ferruh & Derya Unlu 1/1/2021
17. Tom & Keri Casey 1/15/2021
18. Daniel M.Ritt 1/15/2021
19. Sarah Epstein 1/15/2021
20. Sharon Lin 1/15/2021